Monday, March 10, 2008

Repeat Offender: Ted Skup, aka Push-Up King

Ted Skup, the man who brought you the book "Death, Taxes & Push-Ups" – and perhaps more importantly, this book jacket – has gone next-level on us.

His recent news release lead reads as follows: “Move over yoga, your competition has finally arrived,” says Ted Skup, the new Dalai Lama of fitness. “When it comes to harmonizing the body, mind and spirit, push-ups (not yoga) are fast becoming the fitness nirvana of choice.”

Yes, Ted Skup – this guy – was just called “the new Dalai Lama of fitness.”

I find it hard to believe that there was an old Dalai Lama of fitness, and I wonder how one can deliver a quote parenthetically, but I shouldn’t get caught up on these things – especially since I’m dealing with the person who previously referred to push-ups as “horizontal jogging.”

He even follows it up with this:

"We have the making of a new cult following, gravitating towards push-ups," says the new fitness Dalai and author of the book "Death, Taxes & Push- Ups. "As a new Dalai and spiritual leader in the fitness movement, I have a moral obligation to go after the 35-billion-dollar fitness industry."


I hope The Entire World goes after him.

Read the original Ted Skup post.

1 comment:

the nicole AMATO experience, now said...

OH my god, that dust jacket is like, the douchiest thing i have EVER seen.