Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Milk was a bad choice.

When people learn that I work in public relations, they will often accuse me of being “a spin doctor.”

This usually causes me to get the refrain of “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong” (by the Spin Doctors) stuck in my head.

And it makes me mad.

“I don’t lie,” I tell them. “I mean, no self respecting public relations professional does.”

And just when I get to the point where people might believe me, something called the Milk Processor Education Program had to go and write a news release headline like this:

Chocolate Milk + Exercise = A Winning Team

That is most certainly an outright lie.

Not like I want to condone kitschy math equations in news releases, but, if anything, it should read "Chocolate Milk + Exercise = Belly Ache."

Little Miss, Little Miss, Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong

1 comment:

the nicole AMATO experience, now said...

that really DOES sound like a belly ache! GRODIE TO THE MAX.