Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tip Making & Giving Tips

While working at my first job out of college, the position I held was posted as an available job in the company newsletter.

“Something you want to tell me?” I asked my boss as I handed him a copy.

Of course, I wasn’t fired. The posting was the result of someone in Human Resources realizing that they hadn’t posted my position internally several months previous - when it actually was available - and decided to correct the mistake. Without telling me. Or my boss. And in spite of the fact that the job opportunity no longer existed.

I was surprised at the time but have come to accept that internal communication is generally a hot mess.

In a recent press release, the Cleveland chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) agrees: "The dynamic landscape of the workplace presents many challenges and opportunities for professional communicators."

See? Total hot mess. So I applaud them for taking on this issue in their new luncheon meeting, "Sense Making & Sense Giving."

I hope they begin by explaining how they chose the name of their program - because as it stands now, it doesn’t make a lot of sense giving – at least not to me.

Next, I want them to explain this: “Walk-in registration begins at 11:30 a.m., and the presentation begins a little after noon March 6…”

A little after noon? Aren’t these the people who are supposed to be helping us communicate better? It could be argued that the most important part of the communication process is being clear. Would it have killed them to say 12:15 p.m.?

Maybe they should take their own advice and try a little sense making.

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