Friday, December 21, 2007

While growing up, my father would regularly warn me not to bother bears.

“If you see a cub, don’t think, ‘Oh, it’s a cute little teddy bear’ and try to pick it up,” he explained. “The mother is liable to be around the corner and get you!”

This advice, of course, did not apply to him, as one morning on his way to work, he happened upon a large bear eating popcorn out of our garbage can. Being sensible, he clapped at it furiously and chased it into the woods.

But there must be plenty of people like that in the world because CSX Transportation issued a press release today titled “Residents Urged to Stay off Railroad Tracks, Reminded to Always Expect a Train.”

“That means walk, sit, ski or snowmobile somewhere other than railroad tracks and property…” the release warns.

In other words, the train is liable to be right around the corner and get you.

I hope my father is reading.

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