Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lit-tle Question

Kids always have a lot of questions.

For example, my four-year old cousin visited my parents’ house for Easter and asked why my father kept a turkey baster in a cup on the shelf under the aquarium.

I thought it was a fair question, but I didn’t stick around for the answer because I didn’t have 20 minutes to spare.

And I found out today that some kids must ask the question, “Where did Mary get her little lamb?” because someone went and wrote a children’s book about it.

In case you were wondering, when an ewe gives birth to more than two lambs at a time, a sheep rancher usually pays a child to feed the third lamb with a bottle so that it doesn’t starve to death.

“Mark Jay Bingham's new color-illustrated children's book, "Woolie" (published by AuthorHouse), creatively expounds upon the familiar nursery rhyme, "Mary Had A Little Lamb," and provides children with an applicable, real-life explanation as to how and why Mary had a lamb as her companion.”

I guess if someone wants to write a book about such a thing, that’s their business.

But I have a question of my own: Who decided to issue a press release about it?

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